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alkali metals 堿金屬。

This technology uses alkali metal ( such as lithium , potassium and sodium ) as the working fluid , base ( “ - a1 _ ( 2 ) o _ ( 3 ) solid electrolyte ) as the medium . this technology is based on the unique properties of base that is an excellent ionic conductor but a poor electron conductor Amtec利用堿金屬(鋰、鉀、鈉)作為工作物質, base ( - al _ 2o _ 3solidelectrolyte )作為介質,這種陶瓷材料對離子是良導體,對電子幾乎是絕緣體,這一點也是這種能量轉換技術的基礎。

The magic number did not appear in the al clusters as in the alkali metals clusters “ ba sed on our calculation 就我們計算的結果來言, al _ 2 al _ 7的鋁團簇中沒有出現象堿金屬那樣的幻數結構。

alkali rock

Unsaturated alkynyl alcohols , such as dehydronerolidol , dehydrogeranyllinalool , and dehydroisophytol , were prepared by ethynylation of turpentine derivatives , namely terpenylacetones , e . g . geranylacetone , farnesylacetone , and phyton under normal pressure in presence of alkali metal hydroxide and organic solvents 摘要松節油衍生物格萜烯基丙酮,如香葉基丙酮、金合歡基丙酮和植物酮在常壓條件,堿金屬氫氧化物和有機溶劑存在下可發生乙炔化反應,形成對應的, -不飽和炔醇化合物脫氫橙花叔醇、脫氫香葉基芳樟醇和脫氫異植物醇。

Nano - alkali metal hydrides and lanthanide hydrides can be prepared easily by the direct hydrogenation catalyzed by ticl4 in tetrahydrofunan ( thf ) under normal pressure . lanthanide powder of nanometric size in a finely dispersed active form was generated by the thermal decomposition of organolanthanide in vacuum . 1 本文應用絡合催化法,在常溫常壓下,在萘/ ticl4催化體系作用下合成納米尺寸堿金屬氫化物(以nah為代表) 、納米尺寸鑭系金屬氫化物(以smh3為代表)和鑭系金屬有機化合物(以蒽鑭為代表) ,并通過真空熱解鑭系金屬有機化合物得到高分散度的納米尺寸鑭系金屬粉末(以la為代表) ,主要考察如下三個方面的內容。

The factorial test method was used to investigate the influence of cu and alkali metals , the mechanism is explained from the point of view of the microstructure . the formation of the boundary layer is introduced . mn is widely used in the electronic ceramic , here i calculate its phase - change temperature from both theory and experiment result , we get almost the same outcome , by the way , its function as acceptor and its influence on the electric property is analysed 在主合成料制備過程中利用正交實驗法分析了cu與堿金屬所起的作用,并從微觀結構的角度上做出了解釋;介紹了晶界層的形成原理;對于電子陶瓷中廣泛使用的mn ,從理論與試驗結果兩方面對其相變溫度進行了計算,得出了一致的結果,還分析了它的受主作用與對電性能的影響。

By means of static and dynamic experiments , lots of research on the effect of micro - quantity heavy metal ions ( hmi ) removal by weakly basic anion exchange resins ( wbaer ) from drinking water ( dk ) with alkali metals , alkaline - earth metals and anions at high concentration , has been done 本文采用靜態和動態兩種試驗方法,對弱堿性陰離子交換樹脂在堿金屬、堿土金屬離子以及陰離子相對較高濃度的背景下去除飲用水中微量重金屬離子(以hg2 +為研究處理對象)的效果進行了大量試驗研究。

The results show that effects of alkali metal salts on conductivity are different because of their different anion radium , crystal lattice energy , ionic mobility and solubility in electrolytes , that different ionic conduction modes of electrolytes result to double - peak of salt concentration dependence of conductivity and different temperature dependence , and that different influences of plasticizer to conductivity result from their different action 結果表明,不同堿金屬鹽對電解質電導率的影響因其陽離子半徑、晶格能、離子淌度以及在電解質中的溶解度的不同而不同;電導率的鹽濃度依賴性因電解質的離子傳導方式不同而明顯呈現雙峰形;增塑劑對電導率的影響則因其作用方式不同而產生不同的效果;電導率的溫度依賴性也因電解質的離子傳導方式不同而呈現不同的規律。

In a word , wbaer can effectively remove micro - quantity hmi from dk with alkali metals , alkaline - earth metals and anions at high concentration . on the basis of lots of regeneration experiments of wbaer ( d301g ) , the best regeneration manner ( regurgitation regeneration ) , the optimal regeneration agents ( h2so4 and naoh ) and the optimum operating parameters of regeneration are obtained 論文進而對d301g型弱堿性陰離子交換樹脂進行了再生試驗研究,確定了最佳再生方式(逆流再生) ,最佳再生劑( h2so4和naoh )以及酸液再生時的最佳濃度范圍( 2 % 4 % )和最佳流速范圍( 3 4m / h ) ;并通過正交試驗確定了逆流再生過程中的最佳運行參數組合。

This technology uses alkali metal ( such as lithium , potassium and sodium ) as the working fluid , base ( “ - a1 _ ( 2 ) o _ ( 3 ) solid electrolyte ) as the medium . this technology is based on the unique properties of base that is an excellent ionic conductor but a poor electron conductor Amtec利用堿金屬(鋰、鉀、鈉)作為工作物質, base ( - al _ 2o _ 3solidelectrolyte )作為介質,這種陶瓷材料對離子是良導體,對電子幾乎是絕緣體,這一點也是這種能量轉換技術的基礎。

A extensive review was made on the development of the technology of catalytic cracking of tar , and several type of catalysts commonly used were compared including dolomite , nickel based and alkali metals 本文對國內外焦油催化裂化技術的研究進展進行了詳細綜述,著重對白云石類、鎳基、堿金屬等幾類材料的研究結果進行了比較,以對該領域的研究水平有一個整體認識。

In addition , a series of analyses about theoretical principles of hmi removal by wbaer from dk with alkali metals , alkaline - earth metals and anions at high concentration and regeneration of wbaer , have been analyzed 同時本文還對弱堿性陰離子交換樹脂從高背景的常規陽離子和陰離子中有選擇性地去除飲用水中微量重金屬離子及其再生的機理進行了一定的探討。

The handing of the alkali metal , however , is not protracted ; it may all be charged into the reaction vessel in one operation and is thereafter protected from the atmosphere by the hydrocarbon which is used as the solvent 同時,對堿金屬的處理也不會被拖延;它可以在一個操作單元中全部傾倒入反應罐中,從而由于?基碳氫化合物的作用而免受周圍環境的影響。

Sodium silicate is a water soluble silicate , generally assumed as a combination of alkali metal oxide , silica and water . it is a widely used basic chemical material 硅酸鈉是可溶性硅酸鹽,內含不同比例的堿金屬和二氧化硅的系統和水,是一種應用十分廣泛的化工原料。

The alkali metal thermal to electricity converter ( amtec ) is a very new technology which being researched in the world 堿金屬熱電轉換裝置( thealkalimetalthermaltoelectricconverter ) ,簡寫為amtec ,是一種正處于研究階段的新型能量轉換技術。

Effect of alkali metals addition on the interaction between active constituents and alumina support of ptsn catalysts for dehydrogenation of propane 堿金屬離子對丙烷脫氫催化劑中活性組分與載體間作用的影響

The magic number did not appear in the al clusters as in the alkali metals clusters “ ba sed on our calculation 就我們計算的結果來言, al _ 2 al _ 7的鋁團簇中沒有出現象堿金屬那樣的幻數結構。

Catalytic activity comparison of alkali metal refractory compounds for methanol dehydrogenation to water - free formaldehyde 甲醇脫氫制甲醛反應中堿金屬難熔鹽的催化性能研究

Non - alkali cloth made form aluminum boron silicate glass contains less than 0 . 8 % of alkali metal oxide 無堿布采用鋁硼硅酸鹽玻璃成份,其堿金屬氧化物含量不大于0 . 8 % 。

5a type crstyal structure calcium . it is a kind of aluminosilicate of alkali metal 5a型分子篩是指5a型晶體結構的鈣型,是一種堿金屬的硅鋁酸鹽。